To make things easier to read, I'm going to break things up into a few different blog posts so you're not stuck reading one gigantic blog.
So, why should you listen to me? You can read my bio for all my professional credentials, but more relevant to this project is that I am someone who loves to play violin and to teach other people to play violin and who has had many different practice experiences over the years. I have had days where it felt like everything was going my way and I was making tons of progress, and I have had days where I wanted to just put the violin away and not look at it again. I've done a lot of reading about different practice methods, and I've also spent a lot of time talking to people about how they practice.
I have done every single of the practice methods that I'm suggesting. I'm also going to be doing this 28 Days of Practice for myself, and I will be posting my own answers to all the questions. How's that for accountability - the entire Internet will know how I'm practicing.
Go to my blog post The Art of Practicing to review the rules, and we'll get started!